Rebuilding my Website - Part 3


Rebuilding my Website - Part 3

This is a deep dive of how my website is hosted, an analysis of the costs, and a walkthrough of the operations.

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Rebuilding my Website - Part 2


Rebuilding my Website - Part 2

Using Parcel, Pug, and Markdown to build my own static site generator. This is the second part of a series documenting the rebuild of my personal site.

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Rebuilding my Website - Part 1


Rebuilding my Website - Part 1

My journey rebuilding this website from the ground up. This is part one of a series and serves as an introduction.

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Recording and Exporting p5.js Animations


Recording and Exporting p5.js Animations

A quick writeup on how I record and export my p5.js sketches.

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Warping - A Refraction Shader


Warping - A Refraction Shader

This post is part of a series on the Reverse Zoology project. Check out the previous post if you haven’t yet!

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Reverse Zoology


Reverse Zoology

A few months ago I was introduced to Ellie Pritts, an outstanding digital artist whose goals and personality lined up with mine. We decided to partner on what has now become the Reverse Zoology project.

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Recreating the Noise Orbit


Recreating the Noise Orbit

Like most of my art, this piece began as a recreation of another artwork. Specifically, my friend Zelda asked how I would recreate a gif she found made by Jack Perkins.

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My Sketching Setup


My Sketching Setup

Quil is a very simple Processing wrapper for Clojure. The writeup below is mostly code-snippets and my personal workflow.

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